Leap of Faith - Stay Strong
Recently I haven't been able to sleep past 4:30AM and I know the reason why. Someone has been praying for me after I posted a prayer request to wake me up early. Whoever it is my blogger friends, I wanted to tell you that it is working (but 430 is wayyyy too early, please make it 6am) and I have had wonderful Bible studies.
So I would like to be a blessing to you by sharing them with you.
At 5:30am I read this from Isaiah 66:9 "9 Do I bring to the moment of birth and not give delivery?" says the Lord. "Do I close up the womb when I bring to delivery?" says your God." I said "No Lord, You'd never do that. What has been conceived will be born." and I continued reading, but for some reason I was led to the book of Jeremiah 1 where my eyes fell on verse 12 "The Lord said to me, "You have seen correctly, for I am watching to see that my word is fulfilled." And suddenly there was this amazing, beautiful, indescribable joy that filled my heart as I was enlightened on what the Holy Spirit was trying to show me.
I prayed "Lord, I trust you. You are the keeper of Your Word and I trust you. I cannot see the full picture of my life, but I trust you."Later in the morning as I watched one of my favorite televangelist on TBN she said something about the Impala that I had never known. The Impala is an amazing animal, it can jump as high as 10ft and as broad as 36ft. So you'd think the zoo keepers would have some problem in containing them at their zoo. They'd need some really huge stuff to keep these brilliant creatures. But you know what, the impalas can be contained within a wall just 3ft high. You know why! Impalas will never jump to the other side of a mere 3ft wall, just because they cannot see where they are going to land.
Faith calls for us to trust that God has taken care of our landing even if we don't see it. No wonder its called a leap of faith.
For some more encouragement you'll see that every time God has made a promise with His children, there has been a waiting period involved and the children of God who steadfastly held onto God's Word, trusting that He who has promised is able to bring it into completion, have seen victory, tremendous victory. Look at the lives of all those people in Hebrews 11 and you'll just get empowered reading and reminding yourself of their situations, their trust even through trying times and their victory.
What God has promised He is able to perform. You know why, because He Himself is watching His Word that it may be fulfilled. Personally overseeing, personally monitoring, personally working. Which means, He's constantly looking into every matter that affects our life in any manner and working His promise in our lives. In this waiting period we are growing in strength and character and learning to TRUST unabatedly on God. The One Who is ABLE to do over and exceedingly abundantly above all that we can ask or imagine.
Lots of Love