Easy Returns
I have been doing some wonderful Bible Studies by some amazing women of God. Oh how I wish I could be like them.
In the last few months I had the opportunity to learn from two of Beth Moore's studies
Recently I have been studying the book of Jonah, from Priscilla Shirer. She is so simple in her speech and yet so emphatic in her delivery of the message from the Word of God, it is awesome! Through this study, which I initially miss-classified as "may not be applicable to me but good to know study" , I discovered, I am oh so similar to Jonah that its not even funny! Yet I have learned some very very precious lessons from this book as taught by Priscilla Shirer, that I know I will NEVER forget this study, EVER.
One beautiful lesson I gleaned from the study of Jonah is as follows:
When we are wandering away from God, or have wandered far away from Him and kinda presume that it would be impossible for God to save me at all. Or that, I am way to undignified/immoral/filthy /far gone from God to be saved. I cannot return to God now, its too late. You know even at that place where you are, at that seemingly infinite mental distance from God, He is able to find and reconcile you to Him. God is so awesome and amazing that when He has sought you and found you, like the parable of the lost sheep, He will not make you walk back home. "5 And when he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders 6 and goes home." Luke 15:5-6
How beautiful it is that you are carried on God's shoulders as He finds you. When Jonah had run away, in the opposite direction of his calling and realized he should have rather obeyed, God had made his return easy too, by providing the giant fish.
Dear friend, no matter how impossibly out of reach you may think you are from God, He is seeking you out, wherever you are. He loves you so much that when He has found you, He will carry you on His shoulders and bring you home. Stop running and let Loving Jesus find you wherever you are, in whatever situation you are, no matter what reason you have for your distance from him. Be it disobedience or just plain having lost direction and wandered away, Jesus is seeking you out. Its easier to return to Him, than staying lost.