Jun 10, 2007

Walking Through Red Sea

Today as I was listening to a message by Pastor Lloyd Pulley of Calvary Chapel NJ, he spoke about Faith and a study from Hebrew 11, when the Israelites crossed the Red Sea.

I got to thinking of the situation the Israelites went through. Between the promise and its fulfilment, there was a walk between walls of water. Walls of water !!!
Imagine God telling the Israelites, being chased by the Egyptians behind them and confronted with the Red Sea before them, "Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the LORD will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. 14 The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still." (Exodus 14:13).

Now thats a crazy thought, to be still when the enemy is fast approaching your heel!! Yet the Lord parted the Red Sea and the water stood on both sides like walls. Wow you say. I dwelled at this point for a little longer this time, attempting to cross through this valley made by wind and flanked by water, not a solid fortified wall of any sort we know of, but water. Now we know water, except in its frozen state in a very cold place, it cannot be much of a fence of any kind. Yet the Israelites had to trust God, Moses had to trust God and lead the people through this path on the sea bed trusting that the waterwall wont collapse.

Sometimes in our life, God promises us about our situation and we know we can trust God, yet there is a time when you'll have to trust God through that situation. It is very rare (atleast I haven't read an account so far) that someone had to bypass a tough situation they were facing just because God promised. No matter what the situation be that you are facing, there will rarely be a shortcut bypassing the time of faith, where you have to solely trust in God and nothing else.

The Israelites could not trust in that wall of water to hold, nor on the strong easterly wind that had blown the water away, but ONLY on the One who had parted the sea - on God. It wasn't just over in a blink of an eye, but they had to walk through that valley between walls of water, step by step, until they crossed over to the other side. Can you imagine, how fearful they might have been, yet they had to go through it in order to see a full victory over their oppressors.

So also for us, no matter what sea of problems you are facing, or what the enemy has been chasing you with right at your heel, remember, first of all, when God promised he would take them out of Egypt-He did. God is able to uphold the very waters of the sea of problems that loom over you seeming to drown you, but God is with you, even through your walk in that valley like the pillar of cloud went with the Israelites and on the other side of this valley there is victory.

I am reminded of what David said in Psalm 23. "Yeah though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil, for thou art with me"

1 comment:

Sista Cala said...

Just exactly what I needed to read today. I have been mentally and physically exhausted for a few days now. I know my help comes from the Lord, but it is so wonderful to be encouraged by His Word through His servants. Thank you for being that servant today.

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