Jul 11, 2007


Well, this is amazing to me and encouraged me, hope it encourages you too. The speciality and singnificance of the number 40.

I realised whoa how important is this number 40 its everywhere and means the same every time, especially when applied to human beings when I came to know. Exactly as the Bible says, every time 40 is mentioned.

  • The great flood during Noah's time Genesis 7:12 - There was going to be a time of testing for Noah and his family, they were to be shut into that boat for 40days and nights.
  • Moses remained in the mountain for the Ten Commandments -Exodus 34:28- Again a time of being separated from the world, up in the mountain without food or drink a time of separation
  • Israelites in the desert-Deuteronomy 8:2- Time of separation from the common amenities, testing, building up of faith on their Living God
  • Jesus in the desert before His ministry began-Matthew 4:2-Again a time of testing, preparation, separation from the world and connection with God the Father

We now see a sort of pattern come up out of the Bible. 40, appears out of the above examples as a number of testing, separation and preparation, usually before a great endeavour begins or is delivered into the world.

The most beautiful thing about those 40days or years of testing, trials, preparation and separation is this....they all point towards redemption, renewal, spiritual growth and a strengthened connection with our Living God.Though the person going through the period of 40days or years seems like a common person, a regular Joe, when they are presented to the world at the end of successfully completing their gestation, they demonstrate the real , almost tangible power of God.

For Noah the beginning of a new life for the whole world and a promise from Living God. For Moses he comes down with a radiant face, so he had to cover it, for he had spoken with God(Exodus 34:27-29) . For Israelites a group of people of whom all nations were scared because of their Living God who brought them out of Egypt and through the wilderness with no bruises, no lack, and no worn out sandals or clothesDeuteronomy 29:5. For our Lord Jesus, a minisry with such impact that it still resounds 2000yrs and more since He walked this earth.

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