Gone Fishing!
Today as I was surfing through the internet, looking for Christian Web designs, I stumbled upon a website where they had made something called a 'button' for 'Gone Fishing'.
If someone was taking a day off from blogging they could post that button instead of writing a post. However that is not the idea, that came to my mind.
I got to thinking of what our Lord Jesus had said about fishing. "Matthew 4:19"Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men." I wondered why would the Lord compare winning souls for His kingdom to fishing? When I pondered more on the topic, I found it absolutely revolutionary why God would compare them so.
- Patience-Fishing is one sport that requires a lot of patience, unless you have fishes voluntarily coming over to the bait.We've got to let the bait/net in the water and wait, for what may seem like forever.
- Not forceful-Once we've let the net down, we don't go pushing the fish around or coaxing it to get into the net. We wait. Sometimes without moving a muscle so the fish casually swims in.Fishes are pretty slippery creatures
- Live bait-I don't think its easy to catch a fish with dead bait.We've got to have the best chances to catch them and the only way we can do that is with a live bait. Living Word of God. If the Word of God in our lives is under the thorn and thicket, we'll never get it out. It'll never attract anyone.
- Meet the fish where its at-Right, so we've got to go where the fish is. Surely we'd be hard pressed to find live fish on land!!!
- Try try again-Peter didn't catch fish on one side and Jesus didn't want him to give up. He asked him to try another side. Sometimes we may not be able to catch fish, we've just got to throw the net/line in again. For some smart fishies you might have to throw the net many a times, till you can haul them all in.
So this is what the Lord put in my heart today. Hope you were blessed.
Go Fish!
Hope you're blessed too, Godzheart =)
Hi Godzheart =)
HaHa! We share the same hobby. We prefer non-cooking ;P
May I know your birthday?
Mine is on 01 June.
Are you on Facebook? =)
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